My divorce was finalized in New York, but now I live in Pennsylvania and my child and ex-wife live in Maryland.
A Maryland judge domesticated our custody and visitation rights orders from New York to Maryland, but as far as I can tell the child support order was not transferred.
Should my child support order be domesticated in Maryland?
Answer from Baltimore Divorce Lawyer Jeff Kim:
I am unable to give you legal advice on child support. However, I can give general child support help for men based on the specific laws of Maryland, where I am licensed to practice.
In Maryland and in most jurisdictions, the jurisdiction that will address issues involving custody and visitation will generally also make a determination on child support.
Thus, if the custody and visitation issues will be heard in Maryland because Maryland is the proper venue, it is likely that child support will also be determined in Maryland.
This may change if an outside state such as a New York has already made an award of child support. If this is the case, then the order that awarded child support will need to be enrolled in Maryland in order for the order to be enforced.
If there is a child support order issued from a state outside of Maryland and the order is enrolled, then either party may seek a modification of the order if a material change in circumstance occurs.
Maryland Divorce Lawyer
If you are a man facing divorce, please consult with a divorce lawyer in your jurisdiction to ensure your rights are protected. Cordell & Cordell has offices and family law attorneys located in Annapolis, Baltimore, and Bethesda should you seek additional information or possible legal representation.
To schedule an appointment with a men’s divorce attorney, including Baltimore Divorce Lawyer Jeff J. Kim, please contact Cordell & Cordell.